The time swift approaches for a little walk
This year has rather flown by, with revelations of how we’re being spied upon on a scale that would cause many of us to reach for our tin foil hat, the climate apparently isn’t melting down as fast as...
View ArticleThoughts on the IPCC summary for policy makers
The IPCC report has been out for a while now, though still only in “final draft” form and I’ve just finished reading the summary for policy makers (WGIAR5-SPM_Approved27Sep2013.pdf (MD5sum:...
View ArticleLast week else where
Not quite got the hang of doing this weekly yet, but here’s bunch more random links. Anti-smokers petition the Government in the style of facebook Crime is falling, so arrest more people Fuel austerity...
View ArticleBaccy growing experiments
Just before we reach the end of Octabber I thought it about time to post a short summary of my Tobacco production experiments so far this year. I entirely blame the inestimable LegIron for this...
View ArticleStupidity in political memes
I know that raging against stupidity on the internet is a pointless exercise and best avoided, and I’ve no great love for Monsanto. However I’ve not yet met a windmill I won’t tilt against, so humour...
View ArticleA tale of two walks – pt 1.
So November the 5th rolled round again and I went for a gentle stroll around Westminster, a whole bunch more people went for a march later as well – I’ll get to them later. As has become traditional I...
View ArticleRemembrance
Elegy in a country Churchyard - Henry Reed The men that worked for England They have their graves at home; And bees and birds of England about the cross can roam. But they that fought for England...
View ArticleLast week else where
Ok so a bit post a week skip a week at the moment, but I’m calling that progress. So this weeks collection of random links from last week. Spiked make an excellent point about free speech Anonymous...
View ArticleA tale of two walks – pt 2
It’s taken me a while to get back to this, but as promised previously here’s an account of the gathering of the “Million mask march” which took place later in the evening on the 5th. I first became...
View ArticleLast week else where
I may yet get the hang of this, now just to actually do this at the start of the week and I might begin to look like a proper blogger. Mark reckons he’s leaving the LibDems and with good reason The EU...
View ArticleThe security Jobsworths
For those of you that are regular readers you may remember the other day when I went for little walk, that the police took interest in my interest in the various security features around Westminster....
View ArticleWhitby floods
It hasn’t made much news but Whitby has recently experienced rather a bit of flooding leaving quite a few people with homes far less habitable than they previously have been. Given Scarborough councils...
View ArticleLast week else where
Still not quite got the hang of this, but here’s some fun bits from last week. Orphans of Liberty had some interesting thoughts on Scottish independence The Telegraph reminded us that free speech is...
View ArticleWelcome to censorship Britain
From this month following repeated nudges from the Government Britain no longer has an uncensored internet by default. As of this month BT will be asking all new customers what level of internet...
View ArticleLast week else where
Apparently I still haven’t quite got the hang of this regular posting lark, so late in the week here’s some stuff from last week. Vignia introduces a new Stazi App to report your neighbour Affordable...
View ArticleWell that didn’t take long
Whilst I expected this to happen I’m slightly surprised that it’s been quite this quick. Just the other day BT announce they’re turning on censorship by default and before you can say “cluster fuck” it...
View ArticleDrinkuary returns
It is that time of year once more when the puritans once more fill the airwaves and bill boards with exhortations to abstinence and to pay them for indulgences to forgive us our evil fun filled ways....
View ArticleLast week elsewhere
Another week another attempt to remember to do this, though very quiet this week. Encrypted phone calls for the masses – could be interesting IPCC move towards the “deniers” postion on climate change...
View ArticleCrime and policing bill reaches the Lords
Quite a while back I wrote about the crime and policing bill, this horrendous piece of legislation has finally reached the Lords. None of the political parties sitting in Westminster are kicking up...
View ArticleLast week elsewhere
Random round up of stuff from last week. Wind turbines even less reliable than previously thought NSA won’t deny spying on congress An interesting experiment in giving people money – that may show that...
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